The following links are some I found across the web that pertain
to Jeanette Macdonald. Many also contain Nelson Eddy, one of her co-stars.
Eleanor Dugan's Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy
Eleanor's website is a virtual version of her book with updated
and more indepth information. It is a very good source of information about the various movies that Jeanette made.
It also stars Nelson Eddy, who was Jeanette's most common co-star.
Arabella & Co's Tribute to the Golden Age of Film
Arabella & Co is a online magazine dedicated to the Golden Age
of Hollywood. They have several features, including a Baritone's corner which spotlights Nelson every month and often
Jeanette can be found there as well. Also thier first issue was on Jeanette and Nelson. There is very good research
done for the features on various actors and it now includes a "Legends of Tomorrow" feature that showcases what is going on
with the various people who are the stars of today and the legends of tomorrow.
ReelJewels is a site that showcases various artists, inlcuding Jeanette.
Very nice to look at with many features for each actor/actress. Qoutes, Pictures, and greeting cards plus more.
Ginny, the webmistress of ReelJewels, helped me alot with the creation of this webite(America's Soprano) as well as on a project
I did thats connected to it.
The Reel Jewels Jeanette MacDonald Message Board
Diva The Site: Jeanette McDonald
The Diva:The Site profile on Jeanette. This includes a gallery, biogrpahy, and triva pages.
JMACFAN's Fansite
Jeanette's TV Schedule
Jeanette Fansite
Classic Images and Films of the Golden Age Website
Jennette's Wikipedia Entry
Jeanette on Starpluse