Naughty Marietta by Christine
Date: 15 October 2001 Summary: The Singing Sweethearts Are United
This is the first film that paired Nelson Eddy and Jeanette
MacDonald. It is probably the best and favorite of most fans. The stars look devine, the music is beautiful, and surprisingly,
there is a lot humor, and witty playfulness. The chemistry between the two is awesome and quite obvious. The duet of Sweet
Mystery of Life was the first of their many sucesses, and Nelson's solo of Neath The Southern Moon is quite sexy for 1935
films. A rare gem
Sweethearts by Christine
Date: 13 October 2001 Summary: Nelson & Jeanette as themselves/
Sweethearts was the first color film for Nelson & Jeanette, and they, and the film are quite beautiful.They
portray a married couple, appearing in musical comedy. This shows Nelson at his most playful--the "Pretty as A Picture" duet
was so personal, I thought I was privy to a private moment between them. Too bad, MGM never took advantage of Nelson's self
depreciating talent, but this film is most interesting, because it gives us a fascinating glimpse of what might have been.